Welcome to our blog! We are thrilled to begin our journey here and discuss the problem space we will be addressing.
The name of our company reflects our aspiration: Txtx stands for “Transmit Transactions”.
Our central thesis is that transactions do not exist in isolation. More often than not, these blockchain interactions necessitate multiple transactions, and the asynchrony involved presents challenges.
Transactions can be initiated by various parties: end users, developers, and bots.
Developers deploy contracts and manage operations. Bots carry out trading strategies. Users seek yield, leverage, or need to make payments.
The essence of our technology lies in our capability to create transaction workflows that can engage one or multiple parties across one or multiple blockchains.
Our first product focuses on developer pain points: Deployments and Operations. To start with, let’s use a little analogy. Imagine a chef who's perfected a recipe for a fantastic “pâte sablée” (I'm French-American, so you can expect French lessons in my blog posts, sorry not sorry). This is the perfect base for any delectable dessert you can dream up. The chef spent a lot of time perfecting details of his recipe. Whether it’s for a chocolate cake or a lemon pie, this versatile base makes everything better. How does the chef know their recipe will work in different climates? What if someone at high elevation, or high humidity, or low humidity, etc. wants to try the recipe: will it still work? We can help run the recipe in all "environments".
Our ambition is to help chefs refine and share their “recipes” safely and productively in different scenarios, but also make sure that their savoir-faire is shared and reproducible to perfection – not just by them but by anyone from their team, or publicly if they chose to.
Our goal is simple: equip developers (the chefs) with the best toolchain so they can create reproducible and reliable workflows. We're not just talking about tools that merely get the job done; we're focused on creating tools they love interacting with on a day-to-day basis and allowing them to build confidence in their process.
In the realm of blockchain technology—whether it’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Stacks, etc.—specifying, encoding, signing, transmitting, and verifying transactions is crucial. Unfortunately, it's often an overlooked aspect, leading to failures, losses and hacks. Think of it as perfecting every part of a recipe - what ingredients to use, how much of each ingredient, and the process for mixing them - only to ignore the process for baking your treat. Overlooking this last step can ruin the entire recipe.
We think that Smart contract engineers are engineers shaping the future of our financial infrastructure, and they deserve the best tools.
To achieve this, we’re introducing a new blockchain primitive that we call Smart Contract Runbooks. Runbooks are written using a tech that we’re codenaming tx-lang, which has the following properties:
- Declarative: Developers can describe what they want without worrying about how it’s done. This is akin to telling a chef you want a chocolate cake without having to specify every single step involved in making it.
- Composable: Runbooks allow for building complex workflows from simpler components. Imagine having a set of modular ingredients that can be combined in endless ways to create new dishes.
- Consistent and predictable: If I went through the learning curve of writing a runbook targeting a given blockchain, I should be able to manipulate any blockchain using Txtx. We spend a lot of time studying ecosystems and encourage best practices through our tooling.
These runbooks are executed in a unique runtime specifically crafted for Web3 environments. The execution of these runbooks is:
- Stateful: If the execution of a runbook is interrupted (by the operator or not), by default the next run can resume the execution - or be forced to re-execute from scratch.
- Interactive: Web3 is unique in the sense that sending operations triggering state changes on a blockchain requires authentication through digital signatures. With Txtx, these signers are a first-class citizen. As of today, a transaction can be signed by a known private key that the operator is providing, or even through an interactive geographically distributed multisig ceremony.
- Portable: Can run on a laptop in a terminal, on a server, or in the browser.
This approach not only simplifies the process but also adds a layer of robustness that traditional methods often lack.
This tool is largely inspired from Hashicorp Terraform or Kubernetes, that forever changed cloud infrastructure management. Before Terraform, engineers were used to “ClickOps” and running bash scripts encapsulating bash scripts, for creating the infrastructure they need.
In Web3 developers are currently in a similar situation - running scripts, copy/pasting private keys and indirectly exposing users to risk. Every year, between $500M and $1B are
being lost in compromised private keys. Txtx is revolutionizing this process by introducing the tooling that will make this process productive and secure.
Our tooling already supports many blockchains, thanks to a mechanism of add-ons. Our architecture and strategy around add-ons deserves its own dedicated post, which we’ll cover in the coming weeks.
To conclude this first article: we’re incredibly excited to bring this new project live on Web3. As developers, we’ve learned to live with the pain that comes with our current approach, and we’re excited to bring a product flipping that sentiment – it will be hard to look back after trying.
We are quickly approaching RC on our first pilot blockchain integration, more to be shared in the next days!
Follow us on https://x.com/runtxtx to stay tuned!